lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2010

El camino no elegido

Un poema que marcó mi vida profesional cuando recién comenzaba.

El camino no elegido

Dos caminos se bifurcaban en un bosque amarillo,
Y apenado por no poder tomar los dos
Siendo un viajero solo, largo tiempo estuve de pie
Mirando uno de ellos tan lejos como pude,
Hasta donde se perdía en la espesura;

Entonces tomé el otro, imparcialmente,
Y habiendo tenido quizás la elección acertada,
Pues era tupido y requería uso;
Aunque en cuanto a lo que vi allí
Hubiera elegido cualquiera de los dos.

Y ambos esa mañana yacían igualmente,
¡Oh, había guardado aquel primero para otro día!
Aun sabiendo el modo en que las cosas siguen adelante,
Dudé si debía haber regresado sobre mis pasos.

Debo estar diciendo esto con un suspiro
De aquí a la eternidad:
Dos caminos se bifurcaban en un bosque y yo,
Yo tomé el menos transitado,
Y eso hizo toda la diferencia.

Robert Frost

viernes, 1 de octubre de 2010

Todo el mundo quiere plata... y más tiempo para pensar en si mismos.

Ya pocos hacen lo que les gusta, sino que la mayoria se esmera en tener más y más y más... que desilusión. ( véase: )

Muchos dicen que ahora se busca el equilibrio entre dinero y el gusto... pero a la larga la balanza termina inclinándose hacia el dinero... pronto habrá un mundo en donde no se podrá abrazar a nadie a menos que se pague por hacerlo.

"¿te gusta lo que haces? no, pero igual gano buena plata"... ¡¡¡que penca!!!... son tantas las personas que piensan así, que tendré que pasarme al lado oscuro para que no me vuelvan a decir... Héctor... ¡estas perdiendo plata! como si la vida estuviera basada en ello o como si ese fuera el único pago que uno puede recibir.

Quizás en un par de años, la palabra auto-realización sea igual a decir, pude ganar todo el dinero que pensé que ganaría.

domingo, 22 de agosto de 2010

Tomatoes vs Internet (modern fable)

An unemployed man went to apply for a job as a cleaner for a large well-known computer and technology company. The manager said, "You will be paid $45 a day. Let me have your email address, so that I can send you a form to complete." Surprised, the unemployed man explained that he didn't have a computer or an email address. The manager replied, "Well, then, that means that you virtually don't exist and can therefore hardly expect to be employed." Stunned, the man left.
The unemployed man did not know what to do, because he had been unemployed for a long time and had only $10 left. He decided to buy a 10-pound box of tomatoes at the supermarket. Within less than two hours, he sold the tomatoes for twice what he paid for them. The unemployed man realized that he could make a living by selling tomatoes, so he repeated this process several times a day for two years. By the end of the second year, he became the owner of a large tomato store and employed one hundred previously unemployed people.

Now that the man owned a large tomato store and was very rich, he decided it was necessary to buy life insurance in order to provide for his wife and children in the future. So one day he called an insurance advisor, and at the end of the telephone conversation, the insurance advisor asked him for his email address, so that he might forward the man some documents. The man replied that he didn't have an email address. The insurance advisor exclaimed, "What? How did you manage to become so rich without the Internet, email, and e-commerce? Just imagine where you would have been by now if you had been connected to the Internet from the very start!"

Lesson: working hard makes you successful, with or without technology

domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010

Anger Management

The bus driver drives away just as you get to the bus stop . . . Your friend borrows your favorite earrings and loses one . . . Your date shows up an hour late without calling . . . Every day, situations like these occur. They can irritate, annoy, and provoke people.

Some cultures are comfortable with expressing anger, but in other cultures it is unacceptable to express anger. In the United States, people often have difficulty expressing anger in appropriate ways. This has led to "anger management" classes that help people learn how to deal with situations that make them angry.

For example, imagine that you have gone to a hair salon and the hairstylist has given you a terrible haircut. What is the best way to handle this situation?
a. Yell at the stylist and refuse to pay for the haircut.
b. Pretend you love the cut, then complain to all your friends for weeks.
c. Pay, but let the stylist know you are unhappy and probably won't return.

If you answered (a), you have what anger management specialists call a "boom" response. You explode with anger. This response usually causes more problems than it solves. It makes others become angry and upset, too, and emotions can quickly spiral out of control.

If you answered (b), you have a "brood" response. You hold your anger inside, and brood over the incident for a long time. This can cause headaches, back pain, depression, or other symptoms.

If you answered (c), you know how to express your angry feelings in a positive way. According to anger management specialists, keeping calm is the key to anger management. About 200 years ago, U.S. President Thomas Jefferson said, "When angry count to 10; when very angry count to 100." This is still good advice!

El incendio

Había una vez un incendio... grande, catastrófico... y mientras muchos no hacían nada porque era en otro sector o simplemente no les afectab...